Monday, August 25, 2008


Discovered the ultimate way of getting ketchup out of the bottle without thumping the wits out of its bottom (and looking like a total nerd whn doing it in company ;-)). Was trying my traditional hold-bottle-over-plate-and-pretend-to-be-deep-in-meditation-for-15-minutes routine in a hotel at breakfast, when this waiter comes up and being a smart chap, deduces in 2 seconds flat that I need help. So he takes the bottle, puts the cap back, and shakes it the way they ask you to shake cold coffee in those Nescafe commercials. Then he opens it, I hold it upside down over my plate and voila! Ketchup…J)..
Try it, but be wary….after the shake shake, ketchup does flow fast and free; and you may end up dunking everything in sight on your plate. There, useful tip of the day!

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