Friday, June 20, 2014


Its been so long since I put pen to paper, or, literally, fingers to keyboard, and just put down what I felt like….not mindful of what it would read like, not caring where it would go….for once, in a busy, topsy turvy, always on a stage life, not mindful of what will others think….

Thank you S, for sending me this link….i have been reading stories put up by this very talented wordsmith all day at work, and there is an odd glow of happiness that just surprised me…..

Feeling the peace and quiet, the simple self absorption, that a good story honestly told gives….S had us read Maya Angelou’s autobiography last fortnight, and that was another sublime experience….i found myself grasped firmly by my imagination, and gently taken along for a stroll through her memory lane….

And I am beginning to realize why I’ve been struggling with putting pen to paper….that words which earlier, wouldn’t sit still like butterflies and would insist on being immortalized on paper, have now dried up….why the soul that was always quiet, confident and sure, has now turned its back on me….

Any form of self expression needs honesty, the ability to be true at least to oneself if not to others…..and somewhere along the line, I stopped talking to myself….honestly or otherwise….

Somewhere in the whole plethora of personas we put on to get through the days, do we start to let these various other people become us, instead of putting a bit of ourselves in them? Is it so important to win….so important to present ourselves the way others want to see us….so important to speak the language the world trades in, even if its alien…..

So important to ask a question I always knew the answer to….yet lost the key to where I locked it up….

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